How can we help?
All sign-ups are done via our online onboarding form which can be found here.
Our learner app is an interactive technology-based study tool that enables students to access course content, attend live sessions and ask questions, in addition to this the student will also be able to see all MCQs scores.
The app is also downloadable via the android/apple store.
There are no end of year exams on our courses, instead the student will be given the opportunity to test their knowledge through multiple choice questions (MCQs)
Students will have up to three attempts to take the MCQs and the highest score from the three attempts will be taken
An average score will be taken on all the MCQs which will have the following grading system:-
Pass – 60%
Merit – 61% to 70%
Distinction – 71%+
We encourage students to complete the MCQs and students will still be able to continue the diploma, however a certificate will not be awarded if MCQs are not completed
Our courses are independently awarded by Hajveri Institute
We will contact your local Masjid on your behalf, however if your Masjid does not sign up with us, we will discuss alternative options with you
Please contact programme support at [email protected] to discuss your options
You are able to ask questions through our learner application during the next live sessions, alternatively you are able to raise a question in the Q&A forum under the lecture you are undertaking
All questions will be administered via our learner app
If you have purchased our courses via the local Masjid, then all payment related queries should be raised with them.
If you have purchased a course where you are attending a location hosted by Hajveri Institute please email [email protected]
In the unlikely event that you have a complaint please email [email protected]
If you have any complaints about your local Masjid please contact the Masjid