BA (Hons) in Islamic Law & Theology

The BA (Hons) consolidates previously acquired knowledge and takes the student to the next level of understanding complex concepts and methodologies of the subjects covered. The students are given the final set of tools to allow them to continue their journey beyond graduation and guide the intellectually and spiritually starved masses from the fountain of the Qur’an and Sunnah.


In a world where sectarian differences in the House of Islam continue to fragment the Ummah and even cause chaos, the student is invited to appraise the respective contentions with the Sacred Sources of Law and Theology and reach their own independent conclusion on the Shia movement.

The Syllabus is made up of the following topics:

  1. Definition and terminology
  2. Introduction to the reasons for studying Shia Dissent
  3. Historical Genesis of Shia Sect
  4. Involvement of the Jews and Munifiqeen in the evolution of Shiaism
  5. Teachings of Abdullah ibn Sabah – greatness of Ahlul Bait, Afzaliyyat, Number 1, then Uloohiyyat
  6. Displacement and influence of Zoroastrianism with Shiaism – (hosting)
  7. The misconstruction of Hazrat Ali (RA) in Shiaism
  8. The misconstruction of the role of Ahlul Bait in mainstream Islam

Having studied the various topics of Islamic Law in the Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Islamic Law and Theology, the student is now taken on a journey to understand the juristic foundations upon which the respective rules have been formulated. This means to be able to relate the rules back to the Primary Sources of Islamic Law.

More importantly, in this process, the views of the 4 Schools of Islamic Law are evaluated in the subject areas that are the subject of study.

This together with an examination into the finer Laws that emerged, equip the graduate with the skills of appreciating the process of Qiyaas (process of comparing hadith with the Quran) and Ijtihaad (independent reasoning by an expert in Islamic law in finding a solution to a legal question).

Although the syllabus will cover some of the main differences expressed by the learned Imams in key areas, the syllabus will be taught on a concept basis so that if needed, later in life, the student can apply the process of Qiyas and Ijtihaad to new scenarios that require juristic deliberation.

The Syllabus is made up of the following topics:

  1. Purity and Wudhu
  2. Salaah
  3. Marriage
  4. Divorce

This Syllabus follows the contents of Usool Shashi, By Imam Nizamuddin Shashi. The course sets out a framework of principles that govern the jurisprudential basis of rules in Islamic Law.

It emphasises the various regimes that operate under the Primary Source of Islamic Law which are:

  1. The Book of Allah – The Qur’an.
  2. The Sunnah – The teachings of the Prophet Muhammadﷺ
  3. Ijma – The consensus of the Scholars on a particular matter. Although the ijma of the Sahaabah (RA) are considered absolute, those that are from a particular geographical local may differ from each other – and hence, open to scrutiny.
  4. Qiyas – Logical deduction. This is not merely deducing according to one’s whims, but in light of clauses that may be in place and in order to facilitate the best position in light of the law of Allah.

Each of these four principles are the subject of elaboration, so that the procedure of deriving rules can be fully understood.

Ilm un Nahw builds on the concept of Sarf taught in Arabic Grammar I as part of the Advanced Diploma where you would be taught how to read and translate Arabic words. The syllabus of Ilm un Nahw will teach you how to join a noun and verb to form correct sentences as well as understanding what the condition of the last letter of a word should be.

Knowledge of Ilm Un Nahw will help the student understand the Quran and Hadeeth and ultimately gain the pleasure of Allah.

The Text that forms the basis of this subject is Sharah Jaami, by Imaam Abdul Rahmaan Jaami (RA). This is one of the most advanced texts in the knowledge of Nahw. It delivers the student to the mechanics behind the great corpus of rules of grammar that remain unrivalled in the history of languages. 


Diploma in Islamic Law & Theology

The Diploma offers the student a thorough grounding in what we consider basic and foundational subjects yet central to a comprehensive understanding of the Sacred Sciences of Islamic Law & Theology.

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Advanced Diploma IN Islamic Law & TheoloGy

The Advanced Diploma takes the student to a whole new level. Whilst navigating through unchartered territories the student will be invited to engage in understanding intricate issues in an environment of critical appraisal.

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BA (Hons) in Islamic Law & Theology

The BA (Hons) consolidates previously acquired knowledge and takes the student to the next level of understanding complex concepts and methodologies of the subjects covered. The students are given the final...

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Certificate in Scholarly Excellence

Once the student has completed the BA (Hons), a final certificate in scholarly excellence is on offer where the student will delve deeper into the realms of Islamic Law and commentary of the Hadith and Qur’an...

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